Begegnungshaus Poppenbüttel

Begegnungshaus Poppenbüttel

Within a complex building site, the Urban Design department from HCU Hamburg invited ON/OFF to develop infrastructure and architecture for conversation, debate and charrette to develop a new building (‘Das Begegnungshaus’) for arriving immigrants and refugees in Germany. In a design-build methodology and leading daily workshops with a group of 30-40 participants, refugees and new immigrants with a wide range and depth of skills and knowledge, we developed a hostel, a kitchen, a roof, working tables, seating and infrastructure for public lectures, presentations and open workshops.
The infrastructure we developed and built with our crew was then used to run an open-source colloquium, conference and competition charrette to develop the Begegnungshaus -a community space (budget 600 000 EUR) for the large housing project in Poppenbüttel. The conference and charrette featured Architecture and Design offices such as Assemble, Atelier Bow-Wow , Bromsky Architekten , ConstructLab and In Situ.
By the end of 2017 the newly constructed refugee accommodation located at Poppenbütteler Berg/Ohlendieck, Hamburg, will house between 300 and 650 people (the exact number still being subject to intense contestation) seeking protection from war, violence and lacking economic prospects in their home country. The site is part of the program ‘dwelling in perspective’ (Flüchtlingsunterkünfte mit der Perspektive Wohnen) with which Hamburg’s senate reacts to the influx of refugees in late 2015 to develop and build new neighbourhoods within one year. 4800 dwelling units (subsidized housing) in solid (as opposed to temporary) buildings will offer the perspective of dwelling (habitér) not only to refugees in the medium to long term. Due to legal reasons refugees can only be accommodated during the first phase which means that no other usages than sleeping and storing are allowed. The units will be planned and built in accordance with the standard of social housing and procedurally transferred from the initial use as refugee accommodation into a public housing program. To overcome the mere objective of accommodating (housing question), which excludes being active, we want to introduce the urban question into the discussion of planning. Since the public release of this project in a town meeting in mid-2015, civil society organization Poppenbüttel hilft e.V. is marching through the institutions to argue for an architecture in and from within which new modes of futurity can be practiced.(text from Hafen City University HCU)
The Summer School is jointly organized by the Research and Teaching Department Urban Design at HCU Hamburg, f & w fördern und wohnen AöR, der Behörde für Arbeit, Soziales, Familie und Integration, der Staatlichen Gewerbeschule für Bautechnik G19 and the district office Wandsbek.
