The Co-machines book has its genesis in ON/OFF’s own attempt to explain, codify and investigate the public spaces and streets of Berlin. But in order to reflect on ourselves, we felt the need to look outwards, to identify the growth of the multifaceted urban movement in which we found ourselves working. We invited friends and held an international open call to collect work, to create a catalogue of projects by likeminded designers, thinkerers and activists throughout the world. In this sense, the book is part of a research project that seeks to collate, investigate and classify modes of practice.
We invited academics and theorists to reflect on the ideas uncovered by these projects and identify the intellectual threads that connect them. But this is not a traditional scholarly publication, rather a handbook for a way of practice. It began as a self-initiated process, produced without institutional support, responding to the immediate needs of an everyday design practice and intending to aid it. The book has since grown as we sought to develop a vocabulary for the objects and practices we collected.
In 2019 we teamed up with critcial Eindhoven publisher Onomatopee to re-release the book within their great collection “inspired by a DIY-attitude and a hunger for critical elevation.” In the frame of collaboration with Onomatopee, we organised a workshop, talk and exhibition in Eindhoven in September 2019 inviting Book contributors Studio Basse Stittgen, Melissa Jin, ON/OFF and Takehito Etani. Through Onomatopee, 4 ‘Co machines’ were produced to intervene in public space in Eindhoven from September 4 -8, after which they were installed into an exhibition premiering during Dutch Design Week on October 19, 2019 and running until Feb 23rd, 2020. In September there was a conference, discussion and presentations from participants and invited guests. The re-print of the book is scheduled for 2020 as publication OMP_171.

Images by Ralph Roelse
