

As part of the 2013 Une Nuit Sans Opera festival in Aix-en-Provence, France, ON/OFF were invited to design and construct a scenography for a performance of Richard Strauss’s Elektra.The challenge to develop a scenography gave us the opportunity to test the conditions of a live performance. Using simple structural elements we attempted to question the relationship between audience and performers and to give both parties the opportunity to author a shared performative experience. A steel ring raised 50cm from the ground created a strong formal divide between the two parties, with the audience on the outside and the performers within. Orbiting around the ring was a “connector” device, which as it travelled recorded the audience and projected them live into the performance area. At the centre of the circle, a large flowing fabric was given to the performers to allow them to manipulate the projected images of the audience. The collaboration with the performers, musician and light and sound technician developed over an intense week of construction and rehearsal. During the week, each party was able to adapt and tune their part in the formation of the spectacle according to the work of the others. The live dimension of the proposal was a great challenge and meant we as designers were involved in each performance, choreographing the layout of the stage in order to amplify and manipulate the relation between audience and performers. The project questioned the role of designer, and where his or her job ends in the production of space.

Thanks to:
Sohbra production: Manu Dupont, Camille Dupont, Ana Dupont, Sandra Marchand and Lajtner Martina, Maxime Gralet and Danse Numerique, Musician Flavien Ramel, Architects Gang of Six and all the construction and production team at the 2013 Une Nuit Sans opera event.
