Rhombi House


Rhombi House

How do we a create an affordable home for everyone in a city with the top-ten-rents of Europe? What would happen, if everyone leaves their homes and builds booths at the most unlikely places in the city Let‘s give the future a home in public space! In the framework of „Shabby Shabby Apartments“ the Münchner Kammerspiele, the architecture collective raumlaborberlin and the TV channel Arte invited us among others to build the apartment of the future for only 250Euro in 8 days.
Rhombi House is built for today‘s life communities, which are no longer only made up of father, mother, child, and dog. It serves as a training ground for new living constellations and questions with whom and how we want to live in the future.While the Rhombicuboctahedron creates a generous common space in the center that invites to cook, work and dwell together the 3 extruded boxes shape retreats which can be separated by curtains to the community space but still allow a wide view into its surroundings.The small footprint minimizes the environmental impact on site. Therefor Rhombi House can be set up on the smallest plots while worms and squirrels will still roam freely. The homely and mountain-hut-like interior of the Rhombi House contrasts with its shielding and metallic outside appearance.All materials, besides metal connectors, are reused. The wood came from old stage designs, beams from a medieval cottage in the Alps, the windows from a demolition site in Berlin and the cladding was sponsored by a packaging company.Furniture, kitchen equipment, and decoration were donated by flea markets and thrift shops. The platonic shape simplified the building process and allows Rhombi House to be easily disassembled, transported and erected at any other place. It remained in Munich for 2 months and is now looking for a renaissance as a holiday house on the outskirts of Berlin.

Thanks to the contributors: Christopher Fischlein, Alison Hugill, Suzanne Labourie, Maxime Roux, Paula Strunden, Axel Timm and the crew of Kammerspiele München!

Video by Maxime Roux
Images by Matthias Kestel and ON/OFF
